That's why it is so important to have a professional headshot taken by a photographer that has skill in this genre of photography. He or she will make you feel at ease and allow you to look your best in your photos. The use of these images have become more important as the number of individuals that have websites for businesses and social media accounts have increased. Studies show that 60% of people looking with a search online are more likely to choose a result that include images. That means before they read all the information about you and your great business, they have already made the decision about you and your company based on your photo. So, you want to make sure your personality shines through. I have often been asked "How often should I update my photo?" My answer to this is generally every 2 years. That way everyone looks current. You do not want to mislead people with an older photograph. Also if you have had a noticeable change to your looks, then it may be time to update. Have you lost a lot of weight, no longer wear glasses or had any other major change in your appearance, then it's time! Keep your picture up to date. Remember, A photo is worth a thousand words. Make sure your photo speaks volumes!